Outre Color Bomb HD Lace Front Wig Marina 14 QLCBMAR
from R$ 291,00
Underlight Colors
14" HD Lace
Heat Safe

Outre Color Bomb The Blond Collection Swiss Lace Front Wig Kimani QLCBKIM
from R$ 299,00
The Blonde Collection - Limited

Outre Color Bomb Lace Front Wig Alecia QLCBALE
R$ 253,00
R$ 330,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™ style every day of the week.

Outre Color Bomb HD Lace Front Wig Chandice 26" QLCBCDC
from R$ 253,00
R$ 383,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™ style every day of the week.

Outre Color Bomb Swiss Lace Front Wig Kourtney QLCBKOU
from R$ 268,00
The Blonde Collection - Limited

Outre Color Bomb HD Lace Front Wig Yavanna 22" QLCBYAV
from R$ 222,00
R$ 421,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™style every day of the week.

Outre Color Bomb HD Lace Front Wig Kimisha 36" QLCBKMS
from R$ 299,00
Underlight Colors
36" HD Lace
Heat Safe

Outre Color Bomb Lace Front Wig Honor QLCBHNR
from R$ 207,00
R$ 330,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™ style every day of the week.

Outre Color Bomb HD Lace Front Wig - Kaycee 24" QLCBKAY
R$ 230,00
R$ 421,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™ style every day of the week.

Outre Color Bomb Lace Front Wig Gala QLCBGAL
from R$ 192,00
Now you can try all of the bomb looks that celebrity baddies and the biggest social media influencers have been flaunting everywhere with COLORBOMB™! Get into the salon-quality colors that can’t be found anywhere else for a price that lets you kill it with a new COLORBOMB™ style every day of the week.