HOW TO WAER A WIG? Prepare the Wig: The first thing to do is to style the wig. Make use of pins and clips and prepare the wig so that it looks fine. In case of bangs, trim them till they fit your face at eyebrow length. Wear...
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HOW DO I MEASURE MY HEAD SIZE? Circumference of the Head: As the name suggests you need to measure all around the head. While measuring the tape should follow the hairline around the head and nape of the neck.Foreh...
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HOW TO STORE A WIG? The wig when removed should ideally be kept on a Styrofoam head to keep it in place. Always keep in mind never to place the wig near hot or dusty places. Beware of pets and children; the wig can be easily...
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GENERAL CARE A wig in general does not need to be combed regularly although when you do comb it be very gentle and use a special brush. Always keep in mind that if you have a Synthetic wig; never use a blow dryer since it cannot sustain...
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If you want the color of the wig you choose to be perfect it is necessary to consider a few things first. Do you prefer the warm colors or the cool ones? Do you often wear jewellery and if so what is color tone, like gold tone, silver tone et...
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The best and easiest way to wash a wig is to do it on a wig stand (mannequin head); that way you know you are doing it correctly. Specially treated hair requires special care products. Thus if the wig hair is dry or damaged or if it is colored, then a special shampoo produc...
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Crazy Facts About Women Wigs HAIR STYLE: Some of the popular ones are Lace Front wigs, Full Lace Wigs, whole full lace wigs, braiding hair wigs, Bob wigs, etc.The wigs can also be customized. WIGS AROUND SINCE A WHILE: Read more

Tips for more natural looking Lace Wigs USING HUMAN HAIR WIGS Human hair wigs are usually the best quality wigs available.Even the best synthetic wigs will not be completely mistaken for natural hair.Human hair are s...
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How to clean a wig? Who doesn’t want to protect their investment? Fortunately there are numerous products out there that can help you to maintain your human or synthetic wig. Timely cleaning with the proper method can help extend the life of your wig up to 6 months.<...
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We specializes in natural wig styles such as Beshe Lace Wig Drew, Lace 31 and Wet N Wavy Jerry Curl Styles that are kinky curly and absolutely beautiful. 1. 4850 These are real reviews from real shoppers2. 4.7+ average rating3. 300+ reviews f...
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